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A tremendous moving reminder that had people in tears, delivered by al-Ustaadh Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis (hafidhahullaah) after the taraaweeh prayer at Masjidus-Sunnah in Aston, Birmingham. (Date: 28th July 2014).
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Beautiful, emotional lecture, SubhanAllah
Jazak Allah khayran @Salafisounds
May Allaah Bless and Protect and Safeguard our beloved Abu Hakeem
Ma shaa Allah great lecture bringing tears to one’s eyes.
May Allah preserve Abu Hakeem and reward him for this deep kalimah.
SubhaanAllah! May Allah give us a good ending, and forgive is for being heedless of this reality .
One of those talks that leaves you in silence/contemplation for a while once it’s finished.
May Allah bless and increase the knowledge of brother Abu Hakeem. Beautiful speech that makes one reflect on the most important aspects of our existence. Absolutely amazing
This talk had brothers in I’tikaaf in complete silence and tears for a while! Subhan’allaah i wish i present
we ask Allaah Aza wa jall to make us of those who benefitted from what we heard and of those who strive day in day out to implement the Deen and Sunnah allaahumma ameen. Allaah reward our brother Abu Hakeem and increase him in beneficial knowledge ameen.
SubhanAllah, what a well needed reminder. May Allah reward abu hakeem
Mashallah Beautiful reminder.
Masha allah may alah increase abu hakeem’s knowledge and reward you. Thanks