This is tremendous question and answer session with Shaikh Ubaid al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah) dating back to the 1990’s wherein he clarifies how ahlus-Sunnah are to establish the correct Manhaj and Aqeedah. This was a foundational lecture in its time, and remains so till today. Translated by Abu Hakeem. A nice point where Shaikh Ubaid is informed that there are 300 or so Salafis in Birmingham (in 1997). Now in 2014 there are several thousand. May Allaah bless the Da’watus-Salafiyyah.
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beautiful lecture by our elder abu Hakkeem and our father shiekh ubaid
This tape and Shaikh Rabaee’s tape entitled the decisive word on groups and parties are two classics for anyone who wants to learn the Manhaj salafi
When I became Muslim those two lectures was from a few that I listened to, courtesy from my beloved brother Abu Maryam Tariq. Two gems of a lecture!
Maa sha Allah the words of our scholars are relevent to us today ,even if they have been spoken 100s of years ago.
Extremely beneficial lecture from our Shaykh, haafidhahullaah. Words worthy of being written in Gold, allaahumma baarik. For the
transcription of this audio:
Bismillaah hir Rahmaan nir Raheem
A treasure for all who listen and take heed.May Allaah grant the shaykh long life upon this deen. May Allaah keep Abu Hakeem and his family firm upon the deen. AAmeen