[27/08/2020]: Weekly lecture at Masjid as-Salafi, Birmingham. Abu Khadeejah, may Allāh preserve him, is teaching this monumental book utilising the explanation of Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmi Rahimahullah. Adding further benefits from the works of Shaikh Zaīd Al-Madkhalī and Shaikh Rabee Al-Madkhalī inshā Allāh.
Points discussed in this lesson:
– The naturing of Imām Ahmad by his mother RahimahaAllah.
– Being raised by a single parent.
– Hubs of knowledge around the world after the spread of Islām
– The travels of Imām Ahamd in pursuit of knowledge.
– Chains of narration that attach Imām Ahmad to the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ.
– Some of the collectors/works gathered from Imām Ahmad Rahimahullāh.
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These series are immensely beneficial.