[23/07/2020]: This is the second lecture of a new weekly lecture at Masjid as-Salafi, Birmingham. Abu Khadeejah, may Allāh preserve him, will teach this monumental book utilising the explanation of Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmi Rahimahullah. Adding further benefits from the works of Shaikh Zaīd Al-Madkhalī and Shaikh Rabee Al-Madkhalī inshā Allāh.
Some of the points discussed in this lesson:
– How the early Salaf protected and defended the Sunnah.
– Some of the chains of narration of Usool Us-Sunnah.
– Some of the reasons for Ahlul-Bid’ah disliking the books of the Salaf.
– About Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmī’s (Rahimahullah) explanation of this book.
– The status of Imām Ahmad Rahimahullah.
Please leave a comment below describing the contents of this talk and how you benefited. This will help others and it is your way of aiding the da’wah.
Jazak Allahu Khairan Shaykh Abu Khadeejah. I appreciate you translating and explaining this great book on Aqidah for us, especially in these times where innovation is so widespread and the people of the Sunnah are few. I highly recommend everyone to follow along this series.