All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[26/04/2024] The Courageous Story of Ḥudhayfah b. Yamān (رضى الله عنهما) – By Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān حفظه الله. Khuṭbah at Masjid Salafi, Small Heath, Birmingham, UK.
Some points discussed during this Khuṭbah:
- A glimpse into the life of Abū ‘Abdillāh Ḥudhayfah b. Yamān (رضى الله عنهما).
- The keeper of the names of the munāfiqūn (hypocrites).
- Reflecting upon ‘Umar’s (رضى الله عنه) fear of being from the hypocrites despite being given the glad tidings of Paradise.
- Ḥudhayfah’s vigilance against fitnah and falling into it.
- The tremendous forgiveness and forbearance of Ḥudhayfah when his father was mistakenly killed in the Battle of Uḥud.
- The story of what occurred when the Messenger ﷺ sent him to get news from the enemy on the night of al-Aḥzāb.
- His readiness to follow the command of the Messenger ﷺ, and an amazing affair that occurred as a result of that.
- His bravery, intelligence and ability to withhold himself.
- Encouragement to read the biographies of the Companions (رضى الله عنهم أجمعين).
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