Brief sittings with Abu Khadeejah after the night prayers (Taraaweeh) at Masjid as-Salafi, Birmingham, during Ramadhãn 1436H / 2015.
1. The term Salaf and its usage:
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2. The term Salaf: Is it new?
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3. The Ascription to the Salaf / Salafiyyah.
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4. “We now know what ‘Salaf’ means, however, what gives you the right to call yourself Salafi?”
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5. Whats is ‘The Saved Sect’ – Shaykh ibn Bãz Rahimahullaah answers:
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6. Intention and Sincerity – these are important foundations of the Religion and a pre-requisite for Salafiyyah. One must be true and sincere in embracing the truth.
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7. Follow the Straight Path requires sincerity – the Messenger with holding to that one path.
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8. The sources of this beautiful Religion – the Messenger’s (salallaahu `alaihi wassallam) sermon at the farewell Hajj wherein he commanded his nation to hold firm to the Book and Sunnah. A nice narration from Ibn ‘Abbaas.
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9. The hadeeth of ‘Irbaad wherein the Prophet’s words made the hearts tremble and the eyes weep; he commanded with the Taqwa of Allaah and holding fast to the Sunnah and avoiding innovations.
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10. Holding Fast to The Sunnah cont’d. Obedience to the whom you consider lowly; the folly of the “Arab Spring” – the con of the century; Why should one hold firm to the path of the Rightly Guided Caliphs; and what are innovations.
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11. Holding fast to the Sunnah & the corruption of the Khwaarij. “What did the Arab Spring leave as its legacy except death and destruction!”
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12. The Hadīth of Hudhayfah (radhiyAllaahu’anhu) and how to be when evil appears and one is called to it.
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13. The Splitting of The Ummah is a resemblance of the nations that came before this Ummah. Unity is a fundamental in Islam. Muslim identity and maintaining a sense of identity.
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14. The Jama’ah and Splitting: Who are the Jamaa’ah? Is it the majority? The narration of Ibn Mas’ood regarding the Jamaa’ah.
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15. The Salaf stuck to the singular path of the Sahābah, therefore Allāh raised them
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16. The morning Ibn Mas’ood and Abu Moosaa al-Ash’aree came upon people innovating in the Masjid and the subsequent conversation.
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17. The great debate between Ibn Abbaas and the violent insurgents who rose up against the Jamaa’ah of the Companions. Amazing debate!
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18. Early Generations And Those That Came After: A comparison between the best of generations and then those who came after them
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19. The best of the hearts of mankind are the hearts of the Companions – they enjoined the good and forbade the evil and did not fear the blame of the blamers
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20. Those who aspire to do good must adhere to the Sunnah: “Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me!”
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21. The deceptions of Shaitaan and the “Selfie Culture” which leads to sin. Well worth a listen!
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22. Newly introduced matters in to the Religion. Those who introduce innovations (bid’ah) are cornered by Imaam Ash-Shawkaanee!
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23. The Sunnah and Bid’ah
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24. Types of Bid’ah – Part 1
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25. Types of Bid’ah – Part 2
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26. Companionship & The Youth – Part 1
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27. Companionship & The Youth – Part 2
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28. Means of Da’wah – inc Q & A “The differing with GLM / Jamiah Ahle Hadith seems personal”
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29. The end of Ramadhān, carrying the benefits beyond Ramdhān – Advice to the parents & the youth to remain steadfast.
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More to be added… (inshaa’Allaah)
Jazak Allah Khair brother Abu Khadeejah. Have never listened to such a series of very powerful talks. Alhamdulillah very very informative and beneficial.
May Allah reward you with the best .
Baarak Allahu Feek
Beautiful series of short lectures by our brother ustaadh Abu Khadeejah. Must share with those we wish to give the Salafi Dawah to!!