All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[28/07/2023] Rulings Regarding Repentance – By Abu ‘Iyād Amjad Rafiq حفظه الله. Lesson at Masjid As-Sunnah, Markaz Al-Baseerah Bradford, UK.
Some points discussed during this lesson:
- Āyāt from the Qur’ān regarding the command to make Tawbah.
- Proof that the door to Tawbah is open to everyone, regardless of the severity of the sin.
- The obligation of making Tawbah immediately after committing an act of disobedience.
- A ḥadīth that illustrates Allāh’s joy with the repentance of His servant.
- The linguistic meaning of Tawbah.
- The Name of Allāh At-Tawwāb, and what it means when the servant is described as “tawwāb”.
- Āyāt that describe the situation on Yawmul-Qiyāmah for those who came to Allāh with sincere repentance.
- The sincere, genuine Tawbah.
- The linguistic meaning of عَسَىٰ, and its meaning when mentioned in the Qur’ān.
- The reason for the revelation of the āyāt, “And those who invoke not any other ilāh (god) along with Allāh, nor kill such life as Allāh has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse…” [Sūrah al-Furqan 25:68] and “Say: ‘O ‘Ibādī (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allāh, verily Allāh forgives all sins…” [Sūrah az-Zumar 39:53]
- An explanation of the five conditions for sincere Tawbah.
- A warning against exaggeration when making Tawbah.
- The deviation of the Murji’ah and Khawārij as it relates to sins and their effect upon īmān.
- Repenting from some sins and not others.
- Returning to a sin after sincerely repenting from it.
- The general and specific appointed time.
- The additional condition of Tawbah if you wronged a servant of Allāh.
- The Messenger’s ﷺ frequent seeking of Allāh’s forgiveness.
- What is the procedure of Tawbah for the one who lied upon the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ?
- Is there a particular way of making Tawbah?
- Question regarding righteous deeds expiating major and minor sins.
- If someone commits a major sin to the point they no longer feel remorse, what does this mean and how do they rectify it?
- Can you repent for all of your sins as a whole or do you have to make Tawbah for each sin specifically?
- Are there signs that a person’s Tawbah was accepted?
- How do we reconcile between the statement of Ibn al-Qayyim that nothing but righteousness increases one’s lifespan and the fact that our appointed time is written?
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