Please note: All tracks have been arranged on the playlist in the order of the conference schedule.
Lectures by:
– Al-Allamah Rabee’ ibn Hadee al-Madkhalī.
– Shaykh Abdullah ibn Abdir-Rahim Al-Bukhari.
– Shaykh Abdullah Ad-Dhafeeree.
– Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq.
– Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis.
– Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid.
– Dr. Abdulilah Lahmami
– Abu Abdir-Rahman Uways At-Taweel.
– Abu Mu’adh Taqweem Aslam.
Please leave a comment below describing the contents of this talk and how you benefited. This will help others and it is your way of aiding the da’wah.
Alhamdulilaah, another excellent conference with countless beautiful benefits! May Allaah reward every one of the students and masheikh for delivering this knowledge and the admin for allowing us to access it with such ease.