All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[Lesson 22] The Book Entitled “The Methodology Of The Prophets” of the Deviant Muhammad Sarūr | Sayyid Qutb’s Takfīr of Entire Islamic Societies – Beneficial Answers to Questions Regarding The Innovated Methodologies – Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله.
Some points covered during this lesson:
- Question 30: The correct position regarding the book of Muḥammad Surūr titled, ‘The Methodology of the Prophets’.
- The obligation of destroying and preventing the spread of books that oppose the Qur’ān and Sunnah.
- Reasons why these books must be banned.
- Shaykh Ibn Bāz (رحمه الله) on the speech of Muḥammad Surūr regarding the books of the Salaf and the impermissibility of selling his books.
- Ḥasan Turābī’s false speech that we need new interpretations of the Qur’ān that are relevant for our time.
- The four sources of Tafsīr and the sequence that must be followed regarding them.
- Question 31: Using the term ‘Jāhiliyyah’ unrestrictedly to refer to entire Islamic societies.
- Proof that it is permissible to use the term restrictedly and not in a general, overarching manner.
- A refutation of some of the statements of Sayyid Qutb taken from his writings.
- A brief overview of how Sayyid Qutb was influenced by corrupt western ideologies and then tried to impose them on Islām.
- Statements from Yūsuf al-Qarāḍāwī and Farīd ‘Abdul-Khāliq admitting that Sayyid Qutb made takfīr of entire societies.
- A summary of what took place after the execution of Sayyid Qutb and how Muḥammad Qutb and others went to Saudi Arabia and spread their deviant ideology.
- The response of the scholars of the Sunnah regarding these political agitators.
- The terrorist groups and activities that resulted from the spread of these corrupted ideologies.
- The importance of understanding the roots of these deviant ideologies and the people who propagate them.
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