All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[11/08/2022] Lesson 17: Negating What Has Been Attributed to Imām Aḥmad (رحمه الله) That He Prayed Behind The Jahmiyyah | The Ruling On Ascribing Oneself To, Aiding And Defending The Present-Day Jama’āt – Readings From “Beneficial Answers to Questions Regarding The Innovated Methodologies” – Lessons with Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله.
Some points discussed during this lesson:
– Question 23: Negating what has been attributed to Imām Aḥmad (رحمه الله) that he prayed behind the Jahmiyyah.
– Praying behind the ruler who has some oppositions that do not reach the level of kufr.
– False beliefs of the Jahmiyyah regarding the Names and Attributes of Allāh.
– Imām Aḥmad (رحمه الله) on the impermissibility of praying behind a Jahmī.
– The ruling on prayer behind the fāsiq, person of bid’ah whose bid’ah doesn’t reach kufr and the one whose bid’ah amounts to kufr.
– The obligation of maintaining unity by hearing and obeying the Muslim ruler.
– Shaykh Muqbil (رحمه الله) on praying behind Ahlul-Bid’ah and Hizbiyyah in the presence of a masjid of Sunnah/Salafiyyah.
– Question 24: The ruling on ascribing oneself to, aiding and defending the present-day jamā’āt.
– The great fruits of being one jamā’ah upon Tawḥīd.
– The poison of innovated sects, destructive beliefs and detestable partisanship.
– Making walā and barā over the mistakes of one’s Shaykh.
– The obligation upon the Salafī callers to restrict and eradicate the sects of misguidance, and how this can be achieved.
– Not allowing titles and names to cause doubts and break our unity.
– Those who split the Salafīs and gather the ḥizbiyyūn.
– The turmoil upon the death of the major scholars.
– The reason many people fall victim to fitan.
– Protecting ourselves by sticking with Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah.Questions:
1. Is it to be taken that those who teach in Masjid an-Nabawiy or the Ḥaram in Makkah all have sound ‘Aqīdah and are upon Salafiyyah?
2. What do you say about those who accompany the staunch followers of Muḥammad b. Hādī but they say, “They are only our friends”?
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Allahuma Baarik we benefit so much
May Allah increase you in khayr