All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions and true followers.
[10/12/2022] Lesson 14: Prophetic Morals (The great virtue of having a beautiful character and the excellence of Qiyām al-Layl) – Guidance for the Muslim Woman – By Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul Wāhid حفظه الله.
Some of the points discussed in this lesson:
- The honour of Islām and the importance of seeking knowledge of the dīn.
- Affairs that should concern us and keep us up at night.
- Chapter: Good Character If They Have Good Understanding (of the Dīn).
- Ḥadīth #284.
- The great virtue of having a beautiful character and the excellence of Qiyām al-Layl.
- The best jihād.
- The importance of obedience to Allāh, striving and struggling, and reflecting upon our deeds.
- Sins are not worth the punishment of Allāh.
- The unimaginable, eternal pleasures for the one who had patience.
- A warning against western liberal ideology and being deceived by the glitter of the dunyā.
- Beautiful manners with Allāh regarding the prayer.
- The manner in which we should interact with the people.
- Gentleness and harshness are dictated by the Sunnah.
- Allāh’s praise for those who perform Qiyām al-Layl.
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