1. Maa shaa Allah, great benefit and short in length. It gave several hadith on giving charity, it talked about the benefits of giving charity such as purification for the giver, reward from Allah, softening of the heart, dawah, and it can strengthen the community.

    It also gave numerous examples of sadaqah such as a smile, good words, giving food to neighbors, helping others, checking in on a brother/neighbor, giving a ride, interceding for one so that a need may be fulfilled, or a suffering alleviated.

    It talked about if you are giving something, it should be good quality, something that you would accept yourself (not torn or battered clothing, not leftover food if giving food, etc)

  2. Jazaakallahu Khayr. From this, I see the immense benefit of not belittling any act of good. I also feel content knowing that charity doesn’t always have to be in the form of wealth, as Allah has not blessed me with abundant wealth.
    May Allah increase us all upon Khayr.

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