All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[28/07/2023] Do Not Resent Calamities That Occur, For Perhaps In Them Lies Your Salvation – Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān حفظه الله. Khutbah at Masjid Salafi, Small Heath, Birmingham, UK.
Some points discussed during this Khutbah:
- The Sunnah of Allāh in testing His servants with good and evil.
- How trials can be medicine for us.
- Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) on being in agreement with what our Lord has decreed for us.
- The reason why calamities are better for the believer.
- What happens if Allāh wants good for His slave, and when He doesn’t want good for His slave.
- Hasan al-Basrī (رحمه الله) on why we should not detest the calamities that befall us.
- Faḍl b. Sahl (رحمه الله) on the blessings found in calamities.
- Understanding the principle: the greater the calamity, the greater the reward.
- Asking ourselves whether a calamity is a test or punishment.
- Abū ‘Uthmān an-Naysābūrī (رحمه الله) on true pleasure and acceptance of what Allāh has decreed.
- Three questions from Ibrāhīm b. Adham (رحمه الله) to help us when we feel distressed and overpowered by calamities.
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