And Fear A Day When We Shall Return To Allāh – Lecture With Alhoeda Wa Noer (Rotterdam-Netherlands) – By Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān

Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions and true followers.

[28/11/2022] “And Fear A Day When We Shall Return To Allāh” – Lecture With Markaz Alhoeda Wa Noer (Rotterdam/Netherlands) – By Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān حفظه الله.

Some points covered during this lecture:

  • The mindset we should have when we read/hear textual evidences. 
  • The part of the body that will not decay, and the manner in which we will all be resurrected.
  • A description of the plains of resurrection from the Qur’ān and Sunnah.
  • Our state on the Day of Resurrection.
  • Verses from the Qur’ān that highlight the utter fear mankind will be in on the Day of Resurrection. 
  • That which awaits the disbelievers and wretched ones. 
  • A warning against ribā, and the state of those who indulged in it on the Day of Resurrection.
  • The nearness of the sun on that Day and the sweating of the people according to their deeds.
  • Following the example of the Salaf in constantly remembering the ākhirah.
  • Proof that we will have concern for no one but ourselves on the Day of Resurrection.
  • Those who will not be able to prostrate to Allāh on the Day of Resurrection.
  • Proof that our limbs will bear witness against us.
  • The one who will receive his book in his right hand vs the one who will receive his book in his left hand.
  • The scales on the Day of Resurrection, and two things that will make them heavy.
  • The crossing of the Ṣirāṭ.
  • The verse that caused ‘Umar b. al-Khaṭṭāb (رضى الله عنه) to become ill.
  • The best provision for the ākhirah.
  • The bankrupt ones on the Day of Resurrection, and the currency on that Day.
  • The reason the righteous actions of some people will be blown away like dust on the Day of Resurrection. 
  • The great gift of Qiyām al-Layl.
  • Taking account of ourselves and how we are in private.
  • Caution against being like those who will only believe in the truth when they stand before Allāh.

Question: When we get these reminders we quickly forget, so what do you advise?


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