Explanation of the Ḥadīth: Whosoever Knows the 99 Names of Allāh, Will Enter Jannah – Abu Ḥafṣah Kāshif Khān

Abu Ḥafṣah Kāshif Khān

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.

[Summer Conference July 2024] Explanation of the Ḥadīth: Whosoever Knows the 99 Names of Allāh, Will Enter Jannah – Abu Ḥafṣah Kāshif Khān حفظه الله. Masjid Salafi, Small Heath, Birmingham, UK.

Some points discussed during this lesson:

– The importance of īmān in Allāh, and the four affairs it consists of.
– The salaf of those who deviate in the Names and Attributes of Allāh.
– Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) on the greatest field of knowledge in Islām.
– Benefits from the ḥadīth, “Allāh has 99 Names; whoever memorises them will enter into Jannah.”
– Discussion regarding whether the Names of Allāh are limited to ninety-nine.
– The three categories regarding the Names of Allāh.
– A point of benefit regarding stopping where the Ṣaḥābah stopped and not asking questions they did not ask.
– The meaning of memorising/enumerating the Names of Allāh.
– Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) on the position of Ahlus-Sunnah regarding the Names and Attributes of Allāh.
– The two types of du’ā.
– Reminder that the help will come from Allāh, not the White House.
– How to worship Allāh by His Names and Attributes.
– The one who memorises the Names of Allāh but does not act by their meanings.

1. Which book so you advise to read that gathers the 99 Names of Allāh?
2. Do you have any advice on how to efficiently memorise all 99 Names of Allāh?
3. Is there a way the Prophet Muḥammad walked? Was it fast or slow, did he lean forward?
4. What books of ‘Aqīdah do you recommend for the beginner?
5. How do you increase focus in lessons?
6. Could you direct me to a Salafī masjid, centre or student of knowledge in Houston, Texas or near?
7. There is a brother who was with us upon the manhaj until recently but is now warning against Spubs. Should we advise him, as we fear he will cause doubts in our hearts?
8. Could you explain the meaning on acting by the requirements of the Names of Allāh and having the capacity to do so?
9. Is it a Sunnah to memorise the ‘adiyah of the Messenger ﷺ?
10. I was told it is not obligatory to pray jamā’ah in my case due to the fact that the masjid is ten minutes away and it is a ḥizbī masjid.
11. I do evil, terrible deeds in private and I make tawbah and promise not to do it again and fall back into it. I wonder if i am lying to Allāh?
12. Can you please share with us the importance of forgiving your siblings after an argument?

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