All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[10/02/2023] The Virtues of the Companions of the Messenger ﷺ [Cont. Part 7] – Explanation of Kitāb As-Sunnah from Sunan Ibn Mājah [Lesson 97] – by Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله.
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Some of the points discussed in this lesson:
- The Virtues of the Companions of the Messenger ﷺ [Part 7].
- Chapter: The Virtues of ‘Umar (رضى الله عنه).
- Ḥadīth #105.
- Consolidation between this du’ā of the Messenger ﷺ where he singles out ‘Umar and the ḥadīth wherein he made du’ā for either ‘Umar or Abū Jahl to be guided to Islām.
- The humility of ‘Umar (رضى الله عنه).
- Honour is with Islām.
- Ḥadīth #106.
- The humility and truthfulness of ‘Alī (رضى الله عنه).
- Ḥadīth #107.
- The meaning of “بِأَبِي وَأُمِّ.”
- The two meanings of the woman performing wuḍū mentioned in this narration.
- The two types of true dreams, and examples from the two companions of Yūsuf in prison [Sūrah Yūsuf 12:36].
- Proof that Paradise and the Hellfire are both in existence now, before Yawmul-Qiyāmah.
- Ḥadīth #108.
- If a person does not pray, will he enter Paradise?
- Is the Hellfire the same one for the disbelievers and the sinful Muslims?
- What is the ruling if I wake up late for Fajr or pray any prayer past its time? Can I pray the sunnah prayer associated with it?
- Why do the Murji’atul-Fuqahā hold that actions are not from īmān and īmān itself does not increase or decrease?
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