All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[03/01/2025] Chapter: The Virtues of the Companions of the Messenger ﷺ [Part 26] – Explanation of Kitāb As-Sunnah from Sunan Ibn Mājah [Lesson 116] – By Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله.
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Some points covered by Abu Khadeejah حفظه الله during this lesson:
– The Virtues of the Companions of the Messenger ﷺ [Part 26]
– Chapter: The Virtues of Jarīr b. ‘Abdillāh al-Bajalī (رضى الله عنه).
– Ḥadīth #159.
– The pledge of allegiance the Messenger ﷺ took from Jarīr b. ‘Abdillāh.
– The meaning of ثَبِّتْهُ (keep him firm).
– The reason there is not a singular wording of the bay’ah given by the Companions.
– The honour the Messenger ﷺ gave to Jarīr b. ‘Abdillāh.
– The duty upon anyone who has knowledge and position in society.
– Characteristics of the one who calls the people to Allāh, and traits he should stay away from.
– A tremendous narration from ‘Abdullāh b. Shaqīq al-‘Uqaylī (رحمه الله) that highlights the severity of abandoning the prayer.
– A warning against setting a bad example for our children.
– The blameworthiness of begging while one is sufficed.
– Striving to be from the righteous who help others, in this life and the next.
– The reason Jarīr b. ‘Abdillāh was given the nickname ’Yūsuf of the Ummah’.
– Chapter: The Virtues of the People Who Fought at Badr.
– Ḥadīth #160.
– The best of the Companions and the best of the angels.
– A statement of the Messenger ﷺ that is indicative of the excellence of those who were present at Badr.
– The unquestionable trustworthiness of every Companion and them not being in need of the praise of anyone after the praise of Allāh and His Messenger ﷺ.
– The importance of the isnād (chain of narration) and how it protects the dīn and communities from fasād.
– How even a translator enters into the isnād.
– Caution regarding social media in these times of fitnah.
– The reason for singling out those who participated at Badr and the Treaty of Ḥudaybiyyah over other campaigns such as Uḥud and Khandaq.Questions:
1. Is there any ruling regarding people on government benefits who are fit to work and are not scholars?
2. Does consumption of vegetable oils, processed foods etc fall under the same ruling as smoking?
3. How do you give da’wah to new Muslims who are with Ahlul-Bid’ah without scaring them away?
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