Chapter: The Virtues of the Companions of the Messenger ﷺ [Part 21] – Explanation of Kitāb As-Sunnah from Sunan Ibn Mājah [Lesson 111] – By Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid

Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul Wāḥid

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.

[14/06/2024] Chapter: The Virtues of the Companions of the Messenger ﷺ [Part 21] – Explanation of Kitāb As-Sunnah from Sunan Ibn Mājah [Lesson 111] – By Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله.

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Some points covered by Abu Khadeejah حفظه الله during this lesson:

  • The Virtues of the Companions of the Messenger ﷺ [Part 21]
  • Chapter: The Virtues of ‘Ammār b. Yāsir (رضى الله عنهما)
  • Ḥadīth #147.
  • The reason why Shaykh al-Albānī (رحمه الله) declared this ḥadīth to be ṣaḥīḥ. 
  • Ḥadīth #148.
  • The understanding of this ḥadīth with respect to what occurred between ‘Alī and Mu’āwiyah (رضى الله عنهما).
  • Evidence to show that ‘Alī’s position was more correct. 
  • The reward of the mujtahid who is correct in his judgement, and the one who is incorrect. 
  • The extreme beliefs of the Rāfiḍah which necessitate that they follow a religion other than Islām.
  • The ijtihād of ‘Alī and Mu’āwiyah regarding how to deal with the killers of ‘Uthmān (رضى الله عنهم). 
  • The balanced position of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah regarding what occurred between ‘Alī and Mu’āwiyah. 
  • Chapter: The Virtues of Salmān, Abū Dharr and Miqdād (رضى الله عنهم)
  • Ḥadīth #149 – weak.
  • Chapter: The Virtues of Bilāl (رضى الله عنه)
  • Ḥadīth #150. 
  • Bilāl’s patience in bearing the harms inflicted upon him by the Quraysh. 
  • The reason for the revelation of the verse, “Whoever disbelieved in Allāh after his belief, except him who is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with Faith but such as open their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath from Allāh, and theirs will be a great torment.” [Sūrah an-Naḥl 16:106]


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