All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[16/08/2024] Indeed The Loss You Are Grieving Now Will Reunite You Again With Allah’s Mercy – By Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān حفظه الله. Khuṭbah at Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah, Aston, Birmingham, UK.
Some points discussed during this Khuṭbah:
– The difficulty of the parting of our loved ones from this earth.
– Through Allah’s mercy we can be reunited with our loved ones in the next life.
– Hadīth regarding the Companion Thawbān and his extreme love for the Prophet ﷺ and his fear that he wouldn’t be with the Prophet ﷺ in Jannah.
– The reason for the revelation of the following ayah: {Whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger then he will be with those who Allah has bestowed His grace upon, the Prophets, truthful, martyrs and the righteous. How excellent these companions are.} [Surah Nisa: 69]
– Explanation of the Hadīth: “…You will be with those whom you love,” and the Companions’ reaction to this Hadīth.
– Al Hafidh Ibn Hajar’s explanation of how you will be with your loved ones in the akhira.
– The Prophet’s ﷺ desire to be with those he loves in the next life.
The great virtues of Abu Bakr and his understanding.
– The importance of being obedient to Allah and His Messenger to achieve His mercy of being united with our loved ones.
– The means and steps to achieving the love of Allah.
– The importance of striving to do righteous actions from the example of the Companions.
– Live your life righteously so Allah grants you Jannah and reunites you with your loved ones.
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