Explanation of the Ḥadīth, “A woman is married for four reasons…” – By Shaykh Abu Al-Ḥasan Mālik – SalafiPublications Winter Conference 2024

Abu Al-Ḥasan Mālik

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.

[24/12/2024] Explanation of the Ḥadīth, “A woman is married for four reasons…” – By Shaykh Abu Al-Ḥasan Mālik – SalafiPublications Winter Conference 2024 – Masjid Salafi, Small Heath, Birmingham, UK.

Some points discussed during this lesson:

– Three narrations connected to suitability and compatibility regarding a woman, suitability and compatibility regarding a man, and the obligation of divulging pertinent information as it relates to a potential spouse.
– The first narration: “A woman is married for four reasons: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty and her religion. So choose the woman with religion, may your hands be covered in dust (may you be blessed/prosperous).”
– Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azīz b. Bāz (رحمه الله) on making your primary concern the woman’s uprightness in religion.
– A description of the type of woman a man should be seeking for marriage.
– A warning against deluding oneself in order to marry a beautiful woman who is not religious.
– Imām an-Nawawī (رحمه الله) on the correct meaning of this ḥadīth.
– Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muḥsin (حفظه الله) on the benefit of looking at the different wordings of a narration.
– Benefits of the ḥadīth from Shaykh Muḥammad al-Ithyūbī (رحمه الله).
– The second narration: “If someone whose religion and character you are pleased with proposes to you, then marry him (to your ward). If you do not do so, there will be fitnah on earth and widespread corruption.”
– Shaykh al-Mubārakfūrī (رحمه الله) on why refusing to marry such a man leads to widespread corruption.
– Proof from the Sunnah that refutes the claim of those who say a potential spouse has to be from the same tribe/clan.
– That which is considered, and not considered regarding suitability and compatibility in marriage.
– The third narration: Fāṭimah b. Qays mentioned to the Prophet ﷺ that Mu’āwiyah b. Abī Sufyān and Abū Jahm proposed to her, so he said, “As for Abū Jahm, he does not remove the stick from his shoulder. And as for Mu’āwiyah, then he is a poor man and does not have wealth. Marry Usāmah b. Zayd.”
– Shaykh Rabī’ (حفظه الله) on this narration being a proof against those who call to muwāzanāt.
– Clarification that stating what you know about a person when asked is not the ghībah (backbiting) that is prohibited.
– How the dīn was preserved through refutations and clarifying the conditions of the narrators of ḥadīth.
– The difference between ghībah and bayān.

1. Clarification regarding the narration about ‘Umar’s wife shouting at him.
2. Advice to a man who is married and spends most of his time seeking knowledge whilst being negligent regarding his wife and family, and clarification that spending time with the family is from acting upon knowledge.

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