All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[13/09/2024] Celebrating al-Mawlid (The Prophet’s Birthday) Is Not From Islām! – By Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān حفظه الله. Khuṭbah at Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah, Aston, Birmingham, UK.
Some points discussed during this Khuṭbah:
– From the joys and happiness of a believer is that Allah blesses him to have love for the Prophet ﷺ.
– The foundation of our religion is to love the Prophet ﷺ more than oneself and one’s family.
– Hadith: “Indeed, you have not truly believed until you love me more than your own children, your parents, yourself and all of mankind.”
– Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah’s explanation of the above Hadith.
– What does loving the Messenger ﷺ mean?
– Example from the Companion ‘Umar Ibn al-Khaṭṭāb رضي الله عنه of his love of the Messenger ﷺ.
– Real love of the Messenger ﷺ is following him in his words and actions.
– {Say (O Muhammad to mankind): “If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Surah Ali-Imrān:3]
– Clarification of the ruling of celebrating the Prophet’s ﷺ birthday.– List of points showing how celebrating the Prophet’s ﷺ birthday opposes his guidance:
– Messenger did not legislate it.
– The Companions didn’t do it.
– The religion is complete.– The exaggerations that occur in these gatherings which claim that the Prophet ﷺ has same attributes as Allāh.
– Do not let your minds get distracted by the number of people practising this bid’ah.
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