1 Comment

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    جزاكم الله خيرا

    I hv studied Kitaab AtTawheed from different Mashaykhs, and each time it’s again new Tremedous benefits to b acquired.

    These selections explained at this Birmingham conference have enlightened me to rectify myself and b firm in many aspects inshaAllah.
    I loved the answer of sheikh AbuKhadeejah on shaytaan s whispers…By Allah it was smthg that raisonnated in my ears and heart.
    Also, the application of Kitaab Tawheed in our own self each time reiterated by each mashaykh in a realistic form for each chapter.
    All aspects of 3aqqueedah covered in such scholarly manner in just few hours! Allahamma barrak!

    May Allah increase u in good and preserve u = All of u involved in this great event.

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