The Six Stages of Seeking Knowledge According to the Scholars of the Sunnah – National Conference 2022 – By Uways At-Ṭaweel

Uways At-Ṭaweel

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.

[26/08/2022] The Six Stages of Seeking Knowledge According to the Scholars of the Sunnah – National Conference 2022 – By Uways At-Ṭaweel حفظه الله. Masjid As-Salafi, Birmingham, UK.

Some points covered during this lesson:

  • ‘Abdullāh Ibn al-Mubārak, Sufyān ath-Thawrī, Ibn al-Qayyim and as-Safārīnī (رحمهم الله) on the stages of seeking knowledge.
  • The reason for choosing this topic.
  • The First Stage: Correct intention.
  • Statements from the Salaf regarding the importance of sincerity and correct intention in seeking knowledge.
  • Ayyūb as-Sakhtiyānī on the one who seeks fame.
  • Ibn al-Qayyim on the high level of truthfulness.
  • Khaṭīb al-Baghdādī’s advice for the student of knowledge.
  • Nine means of attaining sincerity (in seeking knowledge):
    1. Having the intention to worship Allāh upon insight and remove ignorance from oneself.
    2. Knowing that seeking knowledge is worship.
    3. Having the intention of achieving the supplication of the Messenger ﷺ.
    4. Seeking to be raised in status with Allāh.
    5. Hoping to be from the people of khashyah.
    6. Reflecting upon the fact that there is reward in the sittings of knowledge.
    7. Seeking to be from the best and most noble of people to Allāh, not the people.
    8. Intending to transmit the Sunnah of the Messenger ﷺ to the one who is ignorant regarding it. 
    9. Intending to be from those whom the creation makes du’ā/seeks forgiveness for.
  • The Second Stage: Listening attentively and remaining silent.
  • Three things the student of knowledge must incorporate:
    1. Taking this knowledge from the scholars who benefit him.
    2. Reading.
    3. Researching.
  • A ḥadīth from the Messenger ﷺ that encourages listening attentively.
  • An-Nawawī and as-Sa’dī on the difference between listening attentively and remaining silent.
  • Attentive listening that brings about a lot of good:
    1. Ears that are fully attentive to the one speaking.
    2. A heart that is awake and attentive.
    3. Contemplating on what one is hearing.
  • Statements from ash-Shāfi’ī and al-Aṣma’ī regarding remaining silent and listening attentively. 
  • Allāh’s dispraise of those who do not listen.
  • Those who fall short in listening (with acceptance).
  • The example of Mūsā (عليه السلام) regarding listening with reflection.
  • Wahb b. Munabbih on the etiquettes of listening.



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