[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/126865622?secret_token=s-XlBxb” params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
It is said that this poem made Imaam Ahmad cry.
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/126865622?secret_token=s-XlBxb” params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
It is said that this poem made Imaam Ahmad cry.
Khutbah at Masjid as_Salafi, Birmingham, 14th February 2020. Please leave a comment below describing the contents of this talk and […more]
Lecture delivered at Masjid as-Sunnah, Bradford, for Al-Baseerah Bradford 26/02/16. [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/249803128?secret_token=s-SSmNY” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Please leave a […more]
Beautiful khutbah at Masjid as-Salafi, 10/03/17. [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/311710603?secret_token=s-ovSlD” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Please leave a comment below describing the […more]
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A beautiful poem.
Masha’allah beautiful poem. Any chance that sum 1 can post the transalation would be really appreciated. Jazakhallah khair
Ma sha Allah
Ya Allah it’s soooo beautiful
As salaamu alaikum. Can someone please translate the poem. Shukran.
إذا ما قال لي ربي .. أما استحييت تعصيني
وتخفي الذنب عن خلقي .. وبالعصيان تأتيني
If my Lord asks me
“Have you no shame in disobeying me?
You hide your faults from my creation
yet full of sin you come to Me”
فكيف أجيب يا ويحي .. ومن ذا سوف يحميني
So what will I answer? O’ Woe to me,
and who shall protect me do you see?
أسلي النفس بالآمال .. من حين إلى حين
I keep forestalling my soul
with thoughts of hope from time to time
وأنسى ما وراء الموت .. ماذا بعد تكفيني
And forgetting what is to come after death,
and after I am warped in the sheets of the dead
كاني قد ضمنت العيش .. ليس الموت يأتيني
As if I have guaranteed living forever,
and that death will not overcome me
وجاءت سكرة الموت الشديدة من سيحميني
Then the harsh drunkenness of death overtakes me,
who now will be able to protect me?
نظرت إلى الوجوه أليس منهم من سيفديني
I looked at the faces, is there not from amongst them
who will ransom me?
سأسأل ما الذي قدمت في دنياي ينجيني
I will be asked
what have I put forth in my life to save myself
فكيف إجابتي من بعد ما فرطت في ديني
So what will I answer,
after I’ve been neglectful regarding my Deen
ويا ويحي ألم أسمع كلام الله يدعوني
O’ woe to me, did I not hear the
Speech of Allah calling out to me??
ألم أسمع لما قد جاء في ق و يس
Did I not hear what has come in Qaaf’n, wa Yaseen’i
ألم أسمع بيوم الحشر يوم الجمع والدين
Did i not hear of the day the crowds will be summoned,
the day we will be collected, and the day of al-Deen’i
ألم أسمع منادي الموت يدعوني يناديني
Did I not hear the caller of death
calling me; seeking me
فيا رباه عبد تائب من ذا سيؤويه
O my lord a slave to you I come repenting,
who than shall grant me shelter?
سوى رب غفور واسع للحق يهديني
Other than an oft-forgiving Lord,
to the truth he will guide me
أتيت إليك فارحمني وثقل في موازيني
I have come to you, so have mercy on me,
and make heavy my weights
وخفف في جزائي أنت أرجى من يجازيني
And lighten my reckoning you are the best
of who will bring me to reckoning
Jazakillakhair who brought light to the words by way of the translation. Now that I understand the poem I understand the why the voice sounds grief stricken. Truly a thought provoking poem, about what should be our greatest worry.
jizakallaahu khair for posting the translation it has helped so much
A beautiful poem very heart softening.
باراك الله فيك
Maashallah,I Love this poem
Subhanallah!! this has changed my heart entirley!!!!
I’ve learnt it all of by heart mashaAlah
SubhanAllaah, beautiful poem. BaarakAllaahu feekum for sharing.
Salam Alikum. Is it really from the mentioned book (page 205, Munaqib Imam Ahmad by Al Jawzi)? I would be grateful if anyone could check this. BarakAllahu fikum.
Masha’Allah.jazakumAllahu khairan
lovely poem, so beautiful .