The Evils Of Debt And Interest by Abu Hakeem

Khutbah at Masjid as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah, 08/04/16.

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  1. A benefit from the Khutbaa.

    Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis:

    The one who has patience with the one who has a debt

    The Prophet salallahu ‘alyhiwasallam said concerning him

    Whosoever is easy going with the person who has difficulty with repaying his debt, then for everyday that that person has that debt with him he receives the like of it in Sadaqa.

    So a man gives a £100 loan, from the time that he gives that loan until the day of its repayment he receives that amount everyday as Sadaqa in reward ,everyday.

    Then when the day of repayment comes and if that individual does not repay then for everyday that follows that, he has twice it’s amount in Sadaqa. Everyday that a person owes a Debt to you and the time of repayment has come and he does not repay then every single day there on after, that individual receives twice the amount he gave as Loan in Sadaqa.

    A great Na’mah and a great virtue from Allah Subhanahu wa ta’laa “

  2. Barek Allahu feekum! This is a much needed lecture, especially doing our times. May Allah reward you for all of your efforts!

  3. Excellent reminder. Unfortunately, we take lightly the issue of debt and interest in our societies. Jazaka Allahu khairan brother Abu Hakeem.

  4. Jazakallahkhair an excellent advice highlighting the evil sin of interest and what it has been likened to in the Sunnah, brings home the evil nature of this action, we ask Allah for safety, and that He guides to sincere repentance those that have fallen into it. many muslims enter into it without a concern and belittle its gravity….maybe they forget what being cursed is!

  5. Transcription of Narrations mentioned by Abu Hakeem in the 1st half of the Khutbah:

    • Narration declared Authentic by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami:

    “Don’t bring fear upon yourselves through Debt.”

    • On an Occasion the Prophet ﷺ was about to lead a Janaazah prayer but asked “Does he have a debt”. They replied “Yes, two dinaar”. So the Messenger then said “Pray upon your Companion”.

    Then Abu Qatadah (radiyallaahu-anhu) sufficed the dead individual’s debt and then the Prophet ﷺ lead the Janaazah over this person.

    There on after
    Whenever The Prophet ﷺ came across Abu Qatadah (radiyallaahu-anhu) he would constantly ask him “What have you done about that 2 Dinaar?” So when Abu Qatadah had paid it off and informed the Prophet ﷺ, the Prophet said “now his Skin is Cool”.

    • Narration in Sunan ibn Majah authenticated by Shaykh al-Albaani

    “Whomsoever dies and is free from stealing from the spoils of war (ghalūl), pride (kibr) and Debt (dayn), will enter Jannah”

    • “The believers soul is bonded to his Debt” [Sunan ibn Majah]

    • Hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim

    “Indeed the Shaheed (Martyr) will have every Sin forgiven for him except the Debt”

    • The Prophet ﷺ was sitting with some of his Companions (in the area infront of the Masjid – [Fanar]). While he was sitting, he raised his sight to the Sky and then he lowered his gaze and said with his hand placed on his forehead, “Subhan’Allah! Subhan’Allah!, what has been revealed concerning the Enormous nature of the Debt!”

    “By the One in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, if a man was killed for the sake of Allah and he was brought back to life and then he was killed for the sake of Allah and brought back to life and he was killed again for the sake of Allah; indeed if he had a debt upon him, he would Not enter Jannah until his Debt is repayed”

    [Al-Haakim in his Mustadrak, declared Authentic by Shaykh al-Albaani]

    ^ All this is in Regards to the HALAAL Debt, the permissible loan
    So what about the HARAAM loan (Ribawee Debt)?!

    • Narrated Aboo Huraira (radhi Allaahu anhu): The Prophet ﷺ said,

    ”Avoid the seven great destructive sins.” The people enquired, ” O Allaah’s Messenger ! What are they?” He said,

    (1) To join others in worship along with Allaah [Shirk];
    (2) To practise sorcery/magic [Sihr];
    (3) To kill the life which Allaah has forbidden except for just cause ( according to Islaamic Law);
    (4) To eat up Ribaa [usury/Interest];
    (5) To eat up an orphan’s wealth;
    (6) To show one’s back to the enemy and fleeing from the battlefield at the time of fighting, and
    (7) To accuse chaste women, who never even think of anything touching chastity and are good believers.

    [Saheeh Al-Bukhaari, Hadeeth No. 28, Vol. 4 | Translator: Muhammad Muhsin Khan | Source : The Book of Belief : Chapter 36 | Al-Lulu Wal-Marjan]

    • Hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim from Jaabir (radiyallaahu-anhu) who said the Prophet ﷺ cursed the one who consumes/takes Riba (Interest/Usury), the one who pays it, the one who writes the contract and the two who witness it.

    • Hadeeth in Sunan ibn Majah

    “One Dinaar of Riba (that a man consumes) while he knows it was Riba (Interest/Usury), it is more severe with Allah than 36 instances of Zinā (Adultery)”

    The Prophet ﷺ also said “Riba (Interest/Usury) is of 73 types, the Lightest of them is like a man making Zinā with his mother!”

    And in another narration

    “It (Riba) is of 99 types, and the lightest of them is like a man fornicating with his mother inside the belly of the Ka’bah!”

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