All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[04/11/2022] Take Heed, Indeed Your Hearing, Your Sight & Skins Will Testify Against You! – By Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān حفظه الله. Khutbah at Masjid As-Salafi, Birmingham, UK.
Some points discussed during this Khutbah:
- The fruits of pondering over the creation of Allāh.
- The great blessing of hearing, sight and hearts that comprehend.
- Āyāt that highlight the importance of these blessings and the reality that very few give thanks for them.
- How to be thankful for the blessings of Allāh.
- A warning against resembling the kuffār in how they utilise the blessings of Allāh.
- Allāh’s description of those He has prepared for the Fire.
- The worst of creation with Allāh.
- A reminder that our bodies will bear witness against us.
- A warning against being from those who take their desires as their god.
- Tremendous statements from Bishr b. al-Ḥārith and Sufyān b. ‘Uyaynah رحمهم الله that encourage us to reflect.
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