All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[16/02/2023] Lesson 27: Advice To The Youth Who Speak Regarding the Muslim Rulers With Evil Speech – Beneficial Answers to Questions Regarding The Innovated Methodologies – Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله.
Some points covered during this lesson:
- Question 38: What is your opinion regarding some of the youth who speak in their gatherings about the Muslim rulers in this land with evil speech, reviling, criticising and cursing them?
- The two types of people who speak with this speech.
- Acknowledging our deficiencies and striving to rectify our shortcomings through the means of the Sharī’ah.
- The virtue of Muslim nations over other than them.
- The inevitability of deficiency in individuals, societies and nations.
- Shaykh Ibn Bāz’s (رحمه الله) response to the question, “Is it from the manhaj of the Salaf to criticise the rulers from the pulpits?”
- Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymīn (رحمه الله) on one of the rights of the ruler over his subjects, and the great danger of spreading the mistakes of the rulers.
- The origin of naṣīḥah, even with the worst tyrant.
- The example of Usāmah b. Zayd (رضى الله عنه) regarding the correct manner in which the Muslim ruler is advised.
- The example of Imām Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal (رحمه الله) and how he remained patient and never called to khurūj despite being tortured and imprisoned.
- The great station of speaking a word of truth in the presence of a tyrannical ruler.
- Ibn Rajab (رحمه الله) on the meaning of sincere advice to the Muslim rulers.
- Imām ash-Shawkānī (رحمه الله) on the obligation of obeying the Muslim ruler.
- What is required from Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah regarding the rulers of the Muslims.
- A warning against backbiting and rumour-mongering as it relates to the rulers and scholars.
Question: A Muslim has accused another Muslim of being a liar without backing up his claim, so what is upon the accuser and the accused?
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