All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—and may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace and security—likewise to his family, Companions, and true followers.
[21/08/2023] Explanation of The Ḥadīth Of Jibrīl – By Shaykh Dr. Khalid Adh-Dhafiri حفظه الله – Masjid Abdul Azīz Bin Bāz, London, UK.
Some points covered by Shaykh Khalid Adh-Dhafiri حفظه الله:
- Benefits from the story of Yaḥyā b. Ya’mar and Ḥumayd b. ‘Abdur-Raḥmān’s (رحمهم الله) meeting with ‘Abdullāh b. ‘Umar (رضى الله عنهما) to ask him about Ma’bad al-Juhanī and those who denied al-Qadar.
- The appearance of the student of knowledge.
- The two occasions in which the Prophet ﷺ saw Jibrīl in his original form.
- The adab of Jibrīl with the Messenger ﷺ , and how the student of knowledge should be in the circles of knowledge.
- Explanation of the five pillars of Islām.
- Explanation of the six pillars of Īmān.
- The difference between Islām and Īmān.
- Explanation of Iḥsān.
- Refutation of Ahlul-Bid’ah such as the Rāfiḍah and Ṣūfiyyah who claim the Messenger ﷺ has knowledge of the unseen unconditionally.
- Proof from the Qur’ān and Sunnah that none but Allāh has knowledge of the unseen.
- The categories of the signs of the Hour.
- The three explanations for “the slave girl will give birth to her mistress”.
- Those who will compete in building lofty buildings.
- The use of questioning while teaching.
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